
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Release 8

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Release 8 Wednesday, November 23, 2011 22:48 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Kaspersky Lab launches Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows and Kaspersky Security Center to keep the business against the threat of malicious software or malicious software (malware) in Jakarta on Wednesday (23/11). Senior Director of Product Marketing Peter Beardmore says Kaspersky Lab malware attacks is the most common business security threats, but only 70 percent of the company to implement an anti-malware protection and 30 percent had no anti-malware protection at all. "Malware is a real threat that requires the handling of serious and reliable anti-malware anyway," he said. According to Kaspersky Lab survey recently, at least nearly a third of firms suffered critical data loss as a result of malware infection in the past year. "In a minute there is a malware that is born. Since October 2011 there are 4134 Malware and Indonesia is the cou...

Urban Fest 2011 Well, Giant Shoes of Paper! Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm

Urban Fest 2011 Well, Giant Shoes of Paper! Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm / Adhika PertiwiSepatu giant of paper works Paper Lovers Community. Photo: 1 2 3 4 »Play Slideshow - Have you ever imagine a day without paper? That is, one day you did not use paper towels, do not cross the highway using paper tickets, and do not use paper money as a means of transaction. That does not mean you should not live without paper, you just need to better appreciate the paper because at times like the current all-digital, paperless business is quite difficult to implement. It was behind the founding of the Community Paper Lovers in Jakarta. Kiswinar as the founder of this community reveals that the current paper is a material that is produced in excess so that the value of paper so underappreciated. Seeing such conditions, the man who is familiarly called Acts that bring friends to make one group concerned with the paper. "We are...

Do not Choose Candidate Integrates Bad Tomy Trinugroho A. | Marcus Suprihadi | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:38 pm

Selection KPK Do not Choose Candidate Integrates Bad Tomy Trinugroho A. | Marcus Suprihadi | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:38 pm Read : 657 Comments: 3 COMPASS IMAGES / Roderick ADRIAN Mozes anticorruption activist , Bambang Widjojanto , following the interview in the selection of candidates for the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Building , Jalan HR Rasuna Said , Brass , South Jakarta , Monday ( 15/08/2011 ) . This interview is a test in which the fourth stage of the 10 candidates only 8 names will be taken and submitted to the President to then be submitted to the Parliament and undergo fit and proper test . JAKARTA , - Coalition Judicial Monitoring requires the House to not vote for a candidate KPK leaders who integrate poorly . A number of candidates assessed Judicial Monitoring Coalition has major problems in terms o...

Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years Prison Icha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pm

Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years Prison Icha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pm Read: - Comments: - RASTIKA ICHA Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya who became a suspect case of alleged bribery related to the Regional Infrastructure Development Acceleration program Transmigration   JAKARTA, - Officer of Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya, under sentence of up to 20 years in prison for corruption, was convicted of accepting bribes of Rp 2 billion. Nyoman is the Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Kemnakertrans who became a suspect in a bribery-related funds to Accelerate Regional Infrastructure Development (PPID) Transmigration in Kemnakertrans. Reading of the indictment on Nyoman took place at the Corruption Court, Jak...

Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm

Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm Read : 3899 Comments : 21 TRIBUNNEWS.COM / Bian HARNANSA Adnan quoted . JAKARTA , - Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto judged to have rebelled against the law to prohibit the congregation still worship in the church GKI Yasmin authorized in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia . Waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman RI Diani is the existence of harassment against the law should be upheld as the basis berkehidupan state and nation. - Adnan quoted Similarly, assessment of senior advocate Adnan quoted when addressing situations related GKI Yasmin in Building Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation , Wednesday ( 11/16/2011 ) . Buyung said the waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombu...

Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing Raafi Sabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm

Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing Raafi Sabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm COMPASS / FRANSISCA Romana Ninik Bouquets of Noble Families of SMA Pangudi, Jakarta, Saturday (05/11/2011). JAKARTA, - Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Imam Sugianto said it on Tuesday (11/15/2011), have committed the murder prarekonstruksi Raafi Aga Winasya Benjamin (17) in Shy Rooftop, Kemang, South Jakarta.   From the results prarekonstruksi it is known, the beginning of the stabbing of Raafi because there is a group of visitors who take offense to throw cigarettes Raafi friends. "The results prarekonstruksi yesterday, we've got more clear. Apparently there are groups who take offense triggers disentil disposable cigarette from friends of those groups so they attacked the brothers of PL (Pangudi Noble) this," said Priest, Wednesday (16/11/2011) at Jakarta Police Headquarters. Imam said, it happened on the da...

End of Year, Zahir Shutter SME Sector

Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen. Batal Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris Inggris Bahasa Indonesia Jepang End of Year, Zahir Shutter SME Sector   Wednesday, November 2, 2011 18:33 pm   REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - End of year is the right momentum for various national companies, especially SMEs, to make improvements in the next year. One is in the field of accounting. "The employers that still use manual systems for accounting, now is the time to decide to use accounting software. Similarly, companies that already use accounting software, particularly the foreign-made, it never hurts to try domestic products that are tested," said Director PT Zahir International, Muhammad Ismail Talib on the sidelines of the exhibition Indocomtech 2011, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Jakarta, Wednesday (2 / 11). The exhibition takes place Wednesday-Sunday (2-6 November 2011). Muhammad Ismail added, PT Zahir Accounting is a software house t...