
Showing posts from November 16, 2011

Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years Prison Icha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pm

Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years Prison Icha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pm Read: - Comments: - RASTIKA ICHA Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya who became a suspect case of alleged bribery related to the Regional Infrastructure Development Acceleration program Transmigration   JAKARTA, - Officer of Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya, under sentence of up to 20 years in prison for corruption, was convicted of accepting bribes of Rp 2 billion. Nyoman is the Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Kemnakertrans who became a suspect in a bribery-related funds to Accelerate Regional Infrastructure Development (PPID) Transmigration in Kemnakertrans. Reading of the indictment on Nyoman took place at the Corruption Court, Jak...

Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm

Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm Read : 3899 Comments : 21 TRIBUNNEWS.COM / Bian HARNANSA Adnan quoted . JAKARTA , - Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto judged to have rebelled against the law to prohibit the congregation still worship in the church GKI Yasmin authorized in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia . Waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman RI Diani is the existence of harassment against the law should be upheld as the basis berkehidupan state and nation. - Adnan quoted Similarly, assessment of senior advocate Adnan quoted when addressing situations related GKI Yasmin in Building Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation , Wednesday ( 11/16/2011 ) . Buyung said the waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombu...

Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing Raafi Sabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm

Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing Raafi Sabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm COMPASS / FRANSISCA Romana Ninik Bouquets of Noble Families of SMA Pangudi, Jakarta, Saturday (05/11/2011). JAKARTA, - Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Imam Sugianto said it on Tuesday (11/15/2011), have committed the murder prarekonstruksi Raafi Aga Winasya Benjamin (17) in Shy Rooftop, Kemang, South Jakarta.   From the results prarekonstruksi it is known, the beginning of the stabbing of Raafi because there is a group of visitors who take offense to throw cigarettes Raafi friends. "The results prarekonstruksi yesterday, we've got more clear. Apparently there are groups who take offense triggers disentil disposable cigarette from friends of those groups so they attacked the brothers of PL (Pangudi Noble) this," said Priest, Wednesday (16/11/2011) at Jakarta Police Headquarters. Imam said, it happened on the da...