Do not Choose Candidate Integrates Bad Tomy Trinugroho A. | Marcus Suprihadi | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:38 pm

Selection KPK
Do not Choose Candidate Integrates Bad
Tomy Trinugroho A. | Marcus Suprihadi | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:38 pm
Read: 657
Comments: 3

COMPASS IMAGES / Roderick ADRIAN Mozes anticorruption activist, Bambang Widjojanto, following the interview in the selection of candidates for the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Building, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Brass, South Jakarta, Monday (15/08/2011). This interview is a test in which the fourth stage of the 10 candidates only 8 names will be taken and submitted to the President to then be submitted to the Parliament and undergo fit and proper test.

JAKARTA, Judicial Monitoring requires the House to not vote for a candidate KPK leaders who integrate poorly. A number of candidates assessed Judicial Monitoring Coalition has major problems in terms of integrity.

Judicial Monitoring Society researchers Indonesia Faculty of Law, UI (UI Mappi FH) Choky Risda Ramadan, Sunday (20/11/2011), in Jakarta, said there were candidates who claim often receive gifts while serving in the police. "Whereas, the granting of state officials, including gratuities," he said.

There is also a candidate who once followed the declaration of a political party. "Do not ignore the factors of integrity," said Choky.

This was said after the press conference Choky Judicial Monitoring Coalition, which among others consist of Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), FH Mappi UI, Transparency International (TI) Indonesia, as well as the Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (Elsam).

Starting Monday (21/11/2011) until early next month, the House will hold a fit and proper test (fit and proper test) to elect four of the eight candidates for the leadership of the Commission which has been submitted to Parliament.


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