Urban Fest 2011 Well, Giant Shoes of Paper! Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm

Urban Fest 2011Well, Giant Shoes of Paper!Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm
Kompas.com / Adhika PertiwiSepatu giant of paper works Paper Lovers Community.Photo:1 2 3 4 »Play Slideshow

KOMPAS.com - Have you ever imagine a day without paper? That is, one day you did not use paper towels, do not cross the highway using paper tickets, and do not use paper money as a means of transaction.
That does not mean you should not live without paper, you just need to better appreciate the paper because at times like the current all-digital, paperless business is quite difficult to implement.
It was behind the founding of the Community Paper Lovers in Jakarta. Kiswinar as the founder of this community reveals that the current paper is a material that is produced in excess so that the value of paper so underappreciated.
Seeing such conditions, the man who is familiarly called Acts that bring friends to make one group concerned with the paper.
"We are not a community that grows only because the much-discussed issue of global warming. We're just trying to give us the awareness to members of the community to better appreciate the existence of the paper," Acts said when met at Urban Fest 2011, Ancol Art Market, Jakarta, Saturday (19/11 / 2011).
This community is trying to use waste paper as a medium for creativity, for example, make a dress out of old newspapers, making paper-sculpture (paper sculpture), necklace from paper, to replicas of objects.
"To the members of the community, we usually provide basic training for a week in order to take advantage of paper into a work of art," said Acts.
Only, further Acts, this community does not want to create a paper artist, but rather to create awareness to people to appreciate the paper.
Other paper-based community is the Community Paper Replication Indonesia commonly called Elves. This community member who embodies a paper replica.
In recent years, there is a three-dimensional art creations made of paper. First, we must make three-dimensional pattern of an object which must then be prepared and affixed with glue into a slick three-dimensional shapes. The creation of so-called paper replicas, namely to make a replica of the paper patterns.
"This fairy community was established in 2007, to accommodate the paper-toy designers, paper-model, and paper-replicas that exist in Indonesia," said Ardan Ardiansyah, Public Relations Elves.
Ardiansyah provide an explanation of the different types of creative arts in this paper. Paper-toy is identical to the creation of cartoon characters or animated three-dimensional easily prepared, even by beginners. Paper-model of the degree of difficulty above the paper-toy because the pattern is more complicated and requires great precision. Meanwhile, the paper-replica is more difficult because it is a replica of a real object with a smaller scale, usually made are replicas of military vehicles or weapons.
Usually to make the creation of a replica of the paper required some basic equipment such as cutter, tweezers, and also a special glue paper. In addition, the course required a three-dimensional pattern of the replica to be created.
This community not only in Greater Jakarta, but also in several cities have started to spread, among others, in Makassar, Bandung, Semarang, and Yogyakarta.
Well, interested to see the creations of this paper? Be prepared to be surprised to see the giant shoes of the paper, the dress of newsprint, a tool to combat replica of the paper. You can see these creations in the event the Urban Fest 2011 held at Ancol Art Market, Jakarta, on 19-20 November 2011.
Do not just look, but try to actively inquire about the manufacturing process. Intrigued by him? Just join with communities lovers of this paper.


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