Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing Raafi Sabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm

Cigarettes Trigger throws stabbing RaafiSabrina Asril | Egidius Patnistik | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 12:56 pm
COMPASS / FRANSISCA Romana Ninik Bouquets of Noble Families of SMA Pangudi, Jakarta, Saturday (05/11/2011).

JAKARTA, - Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Imam Sugianto said it on Tuesday (11/15/2011), have committed the murder prarekonstruksi Raafi Aga Winasya Benjamin (17) in Shy Rooftop, Kemang, South Jakarta.

From the results prarekonstruksi it is known, the beginning of the stabbing of Raafi because there is a group of visitors who take offense to throw cigarettes Raafi friends. "The results prarekonstruksi yesterday, we've got more clear. Apparently there are groups who take offense triggers disentil disposable cigarette from friends of those groups so they attacked the brothers of PL (Pangudi Noble) this," said Priest, Wednesday (16/11/2011) at Jakarta Police Headquarters.
Imam said, it happened on the dance floor when Raafi groups and other visitors who had the initials M was dancing. Result is still under the influence of alcohol, friends unknowingly disturb Raafi M groups totaling 13 people. "It turned out that the brothers are all under the influence of alcohol. In effect, they joget-joget there is another group who feel uncomfortable," said Imam.
Finally there is a conflict between groups and friends Raafi M in the middle of the dance floor. Had been at-hitting action until Raafi suddenly fell down with the abdomen covered with blood. However, the Imam said, police have not found who did the stabbing. Police also keep players who throw cigarette butts and victims affected by cigarette butts thrown by the investigation.
Imam ensure it continues to move an investigation. Until now there are 47 witnesses were examined. "Respect for police work. It's remarkable investigator has asked for testimony from 47 witnesses. We are not afraid and confirm this has nothing to do with the organizations and elements of the TNI. Whoever will be dealt with," he said.
Aga Raafi Winasya Benjamin was stabbed stranger on November 5 at Shy Rooftop. The incident allegedly occurred at 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.. However, the police arrived at 3:30 pm after receiving information from the public.
Upon arrival, police found no blood stains on the floor because it had been cleaned before. Raafi also is not there at the location because it is directly taken to the hospital by his friends. Raafi addition, there seems to be an OT student who suffered stab wounds in the arm. Raafi friends who were injured were believed to know the characteristics of alleged perpetrators.
However, the police are still awaiting results of forensic laboratories that examine the blood spots and CCTV camera footage that could help uncover the perpetrators.



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