Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm

Graded Bogor Mayor rebelled against the Law
Ambrose Harto Manumoyoso | Robert Adhi Ksp | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:07 pm
Read: 3899
Comments: 21


JAKARTA, - Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto judged to have rebelled against the law to prohibit the congregation still worship in the church GKI Yasmin authorized in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia.
Waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman RI Diani is the existence of harassment against the law should be upheld as the basis berkehidupan state and nation.
- Adnan quoted

Similarly, assessment of senior advocate Adnan quoted when addressing situations related GKI Yasmin in Building Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation, Wednesday (11/16/2011).

Buyung said the waiver decision by the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman RI Diani is the existence of harassment against the law should be upheld as the basis berkehidupan state and nation. In addition, very unfortunate that the central government seemed to let. In fact, should be able to provide strict sanctions against Diani. "Omission of the same support," said Buyung.

For that, Buyung called on the Supreme Court to implement a legal breakthrough, which issued the execution order decision. "If (the Mayor of Bogor) is still blocking, he should be arrested," he said.

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