
Showing posts from December 3, 2011

The UN Security Council Votes Ready Palestinian Problem Saturday, December 3, 2011 8:12 pm

The UN Security Council Votes Ready Palestinian Problem Saturday, December 3, 2011 8:12 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - Vitaly Churkin, Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations and President of the Security Council (UNSC) United Nations for December, saying at the UN Headquarters, New York, Friday (2 / 12), DK ready to vote on the matter Palestinian UN if additional actions performed. Churkin statement issued while he was speaking in his capacity as President of the Security Council during a briefing on the work program in security and peace 15-member body. "His condition is now Reception Committee completed its work," Churkin said. "The Security Council prepared to vote." Palestine, which is currently only a permanent observer at the United Nations, filed an application for admission to the world organization such as a full member on 23 September. The request was immediately handed over by the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the S...

Ketum PSSI: Return ISL Club Saturday, December 3, 2011 7:35 pm

Ketum PSSI : Return ISL Club Saturday, December 3, 2011 7:35 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA - PSSI chairman , Djohar Arifin , still hoping the club participants Indonesia Super League ( ISL ) could join the party in Indonesia Prima League ( IPL ) built PSSI . Djohar clubs called ISL participants to return to the PSSI . " We want a single container . Come , go back home . PSSI is our common home , '' he said . '' We hope all of Indonesia united and opportunities that exist . '' A number of clubs opted to stay in the ISL and refused to join the IPL . Top of the conditions, PSSI will impose sanctions next week for the club participants ISL . Vice Chairman of the Disciplinary Commission PSSI , Chess Saptono Agus , said it did not need to call the club who decided not to follow the official competition PSSI . Absence in the IPL matches and the inclusion of the name of the...

Thus the Elected Ketum KONI, Tono Suratman Olympic Gold Promise Preserve Tradition Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:55 pm

Thus the Elected Ketum KONI , Tono Suratman Olympic Gold Promise Preserve Tradition Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:55 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA - Tono Suratman elected as Chairman of the KONI period 2012-2015 . Men who served also as Chairman of the Executive Unit ( Satlak ) Gold Indonesia Program ( Prima ) is promised not to neglect the preparation of athletes to compete at London 2012 Olympics . Tono said the next step is to organize the management . In addition , it also will follow up the national training camp for the Olympics 2012. " Because , there are four branches of sport that is already qualified for weightlifting, badminton , swimming and archery . We will strive to maintain the tradition of gold medals , " he said when contacted by reporters . Tono optimistic that Indonesia will perpetuate the tradition of the overall champion after winning gold at the SEA Games last ...
Four Officials Ethics Committee investigated PSSI Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:35 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA - PSSI Ethics Committee was investigating alleged violations of the code of ethics by four members of the Executive Committee ( EXCO ) PSSI . They are La Nyalla Mattalitti , Tony Apriliani , Roberto Rouw and Dwi Erwin Budiman . Ethics Committee promised to decide the results of its investigation next week . The four were allegedly violating the code of ethics PSSI after sent a letter to FIFA and AFC dated 14 October. Of the four , only Roberto who has met the call the Ethics Committee , chaired Todung Mulya Lubis . Three other members had other activities . Todung said it will return to call on The three members of the executive committee on Tuesday ( 6 / 12 ) future . " If it does not come back, we 'll do the third or final call , " he said . If it proves there are violations...