Steady, Iran Ready to Launch New Satellite Custom

Steady , Iran Ready to Launch New Satellite Custom Friday, March 2, 2012 6:30 pm REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , Iran will launch a satellite product son of the nation " Dawn " into orbit in the near future . Head of the Iranian Space Agency ( ISA ) , Hamid Fazeli , said the launch marked a remarkable breakthrough in the field of space technology . Dawn satellite , which is currently undergoing the final phase , will be launched into space on March 20 . Hamid Fazeli said the satellite weighed 60 kilograms are powered by solar cells , it would circle the Earth at an altitude of about 400 kilometers and will stay in orbit for one and a half years . " The satellite will be used to facilitate the collection of data relating to agriculture , natural resources and conservation of forests , natural disasters and other data , " said the head of the ISA . Navid satellite or the Gospel is design...