
Showing posts from September 15, 2011

Anticipation of Growth incident in Ambon, Razia Police The weapon Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:28 AM UTC +7

Anticipation of Growth incident in Ambon, Razia Police The weapon Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:28 AM REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, clover - Related incidents of unrest in Ambon, the Polda Metro Jaya perform safety precaution and conduct raids with a sharp weapon. This is done in the area of ​​ports and terminals. Chief of Operations Bureau of the Jakarta Police, Comr Sujarno, say, a raid was carried out as a precaution the development of the incident in Ambon. Although, he said, policing and prevention efforts remain focused on the area around Ambon. "We increased activity here, so do not contribute to it," he said at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters on Thursday (15 / 9). Sujarno said the raid conducted at the Port of Tanjung Priok by targeting sharp weapons, firearms and explosives. Police conduct searches of passengers who attempt to board the ship. "Especially that leads to Eastern Indonesia," he said. This raid, said Sujarno, started since Tuesday (13 / 9) then...

Hundreds of election banners strewn Banten, Panwasda Overwhelmed Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:02 AM UTC + 7

Hundreds of election banners strewn Banten, Panwasda Overwhelmed Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:02 AM REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CILEGON - The Election Supervisory Committee Cilegon has admitted lack of personnel to monitor and curb the hundreds of banners and Deputy Governor of Banten Candidates lined Ciwandan industrial area. "We're short of personnel, so that the control and supervision of Banten Cagub banners before the timing is not lying and installed in Cilegon area, especially in the area of ​​industries such as KS and a number of industry in Ciwandan," he said. Therefore, it requested the successful team that put up banners Cawagub Banten Cagub And yet time, to take off with his own consciousness. "We appealed to mounted banners removed again before the time of the campaign. And we also have sent a letter to the District PP Satpol Ciwandan so disciplined," he has added. It denies, policing and banners Cagub Cawagub Banten, which until now has not been...

Employees Strike, Freeport Management Confessing Disappointed Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:00 AM UTC +7

Employees Strike, Freeport Management Confessing Disappointed Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:00 AM REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The management of PT Freeport Indonesia said he was deeply disappointed by the decision of the PUK FSP-KEP SPSI who has initiated the company's thousands of employees on strike action starting on Thursday, September 15, 2011. PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman, Ramdani Sirait said the strike action which carried out thousands of employees of Freeport this illegitimate. "The management of PT Freeport Indonesia was disappointed because the PUK FSP KEP SPSI decided to perform an illegitimate strike," said Ramdani. He said when the of negotiations to discuss Labour Agreement (CLA) XVII 2011-2013 period that began July 20, 2011, Freeport management always tries to negotiate with good faith in order to achieve an agreement that is fair and reasonable. "We have expressed our desire so that of negotiations that can be resumed and completed on t...