Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years Prison Icha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pm

Nyoman Suisnaya Threatened 20 Years PrisonIcha Rastika | A. Wisnubrata | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 13:08 pmRead: -Comments: -
RASTIKA ICHA Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya who became a suspect case of alleged bribery related to the Regional Infrastructure Development Acceleration program Transmigration

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Officer of Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, I Nyoman Suisnaya, under sentence of up to 20 years in prison for corruption, was convicted of accepting bribes of Rp 2 billion.
Nyoman is the Secretary of Director General at the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development (P2KT) Kemnakertrans who became a suspect in a bribery-related funds to Accelerate Regional Infrastructure Development (PPID) Transmigration in Kemnakertrans. Reading of the indictment on Nyoman took place at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/16/2011).
"I Nyoman Suisnaya Defendant either individually or jointly Dadong Irbarelawan (Head of Program Evaluation and Reporting on Setditjen P2KT), Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar (Minister of Manpower and Transmigration), and Jamaluddien Malik (DG P2KT) has received a gift of money of Dharnawati, "said Attorney Zet Tadung Alo.
Nyoman snared three alternative charges, that is based on Article 12 letter b of Law Corruption Eradication or Article 5, Paragraph 2 Letter b in conjunction with Article 15 or Article 11 of the same Act.
Furthermore, the Attorney Zet explains, the money given in exchange for assistance in meeting the demand Dharnawati Nyoman as the attorney of directors of PT Alam Jaya, Papua, in order to enter the four regencies in Papua, the Mimika, Keerom, Manokwari, and the Gulf Wondama, the list of local grantees PPID transmigration.
PT Alam Jaya, Papua interest in making the four counties as a recipient of funds PPID because the company plan would be won as the executor of the City of Integrated Self-development projects in four districts.
"The defendant (Nyoman) brings together Dadong Dharna by the regents and the head of manpower and transmigration resettlement grant recipients PPID field to be appointed as contractor in the project," said Zet.
As for the delivery of money from Dharna to Nyoman took place in Kemnakertrans, Kalibata, South Jakarta, on 24 August. However, given the new money in part, at $ 1.5 billion. Shortly after the transaction, Nyoman, Dadong, and Dharnawati arrested by KPK investigators separately.
Over the charges, Nyoman and his team of lawyers will file a memorandum of objection or exception which is planned to read at the next hearing, on Wednesday (23/11/2011) next week. After the hearing, Nyoman has denied receiving the money and was instrumental in helping to meet the demand Dharnawati. According to him, whether or not the efforts of Dharnawati, four counties had been included in the list of grantees PPID.

Source : http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2011/11/16/13083537/Nyoman.Suisnaya.Terancam.20.Tahun.Penjara


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