Subhanallah, This is the Secret of Creation Cats

Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen. Batal Subhanallah, This is the Secret of Creation Cats REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, cat's eyes is one proof of the perfection of God in creation. Allah has created the cat's eye with the arrangement and layout in accordance with the creatures. In one verse, Allah says about the perfection of his creation. He is the God who creates, who held, that form a way, he has a name - a beautiful name, what is in the heavens and the earth glorify - his. And He is the All mighty, All-wise. (Surah Al - Hashr 24) Cats are very powerful night vision Cats can easily distinguish the colors green, blue and red. However, the real advantages of a cat's eye is to see at night. Cat's eyelids open in the evenings, when exposed to a little light, a layer of the eye called the iris makes the pupils dilate (nearly 90% of eyes) so they are easier to see the light. At the light gets brighter, the system works ...