There Ondel-ondel Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin

There Ondel - ondel Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin Riana Afifah | Pepih Nugraha | Saturday, February 11th, 2012 | 13:39 pm 20120211C10 -11 - ondel Ondel named Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin Monas berjoged in IRTI parking , Saturday ( 02/11/2012) currently ahead of the delivery of support to the Jakarta Provincial Election Commission . JAKARTA , - Two - ondel ondel named Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin did not stop dancing while welcoming the arrival of a pair of candidates from these individual lines . Accompanied by the music of Betawi , two - ondel ondel not stop dancing and people did not stop chanting the name of Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin. " Life Faisal Basri ! Life Biem Benjamin !" people shouted as Faisal Basri and arrived at the parking Biem IRTI Monas , Jakarta , Saturday ( 11/02/2012). Two - ondel ondel it also continues to accompany the step - Faisal Ba...