Urban Fest 2011 Well, Giant Shoes of Paper! Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm
Urban Fest 2011 Well, Giant Shoes of Paper! Adhika Earth | Kadek | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | 13:14 pm Kompas.com / Adhika PertiwiSepatu giant of paper works Paper Lovers Community. Photo: 1 2 3 4 »Play Slideshow KOMPAS.com - Have you ever imagine a day without paper? That is, one day you did not use paper towels, do not cross the highway using paper tickets, and do not use paper money as a means of transaction. That does not mean you should not live without paper, you just need to better appreciate the paper because at times like the current all-digital, paperless business is quite difficult to implement. It was behind the founding of the Community Paper Lovers in Jakarta. Kiswinar as the founder of this community reveals that the current paper is a material that is produced in excess so that the value of paper so underappreciated. Seeing such conditions, the man who is familiarly called Acts that bring friends to make one group concerned with the paper. "We are...