There alleged practice Orangutan Massacre, Police Forms Special Team Tuesday, September 27, 2011 20:30 AM

There alleged practice Orangutan Massacre, Police Forms Special Team Tuesday, September 27, 2011 20:30 AM UTC +7 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA - Police Kutai, East Kalimantan Police, formed a special team investigating the slaughter of tens of Borneo Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus Mario) in the village of Puan smacking, Kecamatan Muara Kaman in 2009 until 2010. "After receiving information on the alleged massacre of orangutans, I immediately conduct a meeting and then immediately form a team to conduct the investigation," said District Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Kukar I Gusti KB Harryarsana, confirmed from Samarinda, on Tuesday (27 / 9). "We have also coordinated with the BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Center) to jointly conduct an investigation on the alleged massacre of dozens of orangutans," said he. An eight-member team of personnel from the Force Criminal and further Intelkam he had dispatched to the District of Muara Kaman. ...