Students Being 'Barbarian', SMA 6 Graded Fail Apply Character Education Tuesday, September 20, 2011 20:00 pm

Students Being 'Barbarian', SMA 6 Graded Fail Apply Character EducationTuesday, September 20, 2011 20:00 pm

        REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - 6 rated high school failed to implement character education so that their students are accustomed to anarchistic action. Students at the school incessantly attacked students from other schools, even the journalists who want to do any coverage of the target of their anarchistic action.

      "It's evidence of character education fails," said Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA), Arist Merdeka Sirait, when contacted. Lessons at school, although containing material about ethics or morals, no impact assessed to students. students still do not understand the fury that so it does not apply in everyday life

At the age of puberty they are categorized, students often get together with friends. They then clustered and create a sense of solidarity. They then wanted to show their presence in the public eye.

       Unfortunately, the way that they employ, according to Arist, far from the famous tradition of Indonesia with ethics. They actually act barbaric.

       They chose show their identity as a strong, brutal, and far from the reflection of human learning. They kick, punch, saying dirty words like uncivilized people. "What kind of student that behave like this. I am sick to see it, "said Arist

       Arist assess the action as well as evidence of the teachers to ignore their responsibilities as educators. "If they're educators, students should be able to form character. The teacher should be able to make changes, "added Arist. Teachers play an important role to shape the behavior of their students than their parents.
It suggested that teachers, principals, department and ministry of national education conference to evaluate the con-current educational developments. "SMA 6 and SMA others should be a concern, especially those that are often involved brawl," he explained.

       If the assessment results show students these days are even more heavily involved fighting and tend to be more anarkhistis than the previous period, then the suspect's performance of educators at the school. "Even if teachers know their students involved to fight but not given a warning, then he can be considered to support the occurrence of a crime," said Arist.

Editors: Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 
Reporter: Edy Nasrul


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