Anticipation of Growth incident in Ambon, Razia Police The weapon Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:28 AM UTC +7

Anticipation of Growth incident in Ambon, Razia Police The weapon
Thursday, September 15, 2011 21:28 AM

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, clover - Related incidents of unrest in Ambon, the Polda Metro Jaya perform safety precaution and conduct raids with a sharp weapon. This is done in the area of ​​ports and terminals.

Chief of Operations Bureau of the Jakarta Police, Comr Sujarno, say, a raid was carried out as a precaution the development of the incident in Ambon. Although, he said, policing and prevention efforts remain focused on the area around Ambon. "We increased activity here, so do not contribute to it," he said at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters on Thursday (15 / 9).

Sujarno said the raid conducted at the Port of Tanjung Priok by targeting sharp weapons, firearms and explosives. Police conduct searches of passengers who attempt to board the ship. "Especially that leads to Eastern Indonesia," he said.

This raid, said Sujarno, started since Tuesday (13 / 9) then. The plan, police will continue to intensify raids activities until one week in advance. In addition to the port, police also conducted raids at the main terminal, such as Terminal Kampung Rambutan and Pulogadung.

For this raid, said Sujarno, police officers will be assisted by the Jakarta Police Mobile Brigade officers. Lodging in the harbor, in addition to using the scanner, police also deployed sniffer dogs. "We're doing when no timetable for departure," he said.

In Tanjung Priok, during the raid, police have seized about 28 weapons of various types. Among the dagger, sickles and knives. To its owner, the police just call and give directions. "They can still go on," he said.
Editors: Indra Iniative
Reporter: C111



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