If Proved There are omissions, SMAN 6 Principals Can Dismissed Tuesday, September 20, 2011 20:03 AM

If Proved There are omissions, SMAN 6 Principals Can DismissedTuesday, September 20, 2011 20:03 AM

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Jakarta Education Office can dismiss Principal SMAN 6 Jakarta if you find any errors related to a riot on Monday (19 / 9) yesterday.


       However, those sanctions should be based on specific indicators. "So it is not immediately dismissed," said Deputy Chief Disdik DKI Jakarta, Agus Suradika, after a meeting with the school at SMAN 6 Jakarta, Tuesday (20 / 9).
       During the meeting, said Agus, head of the school showed the CCTV footage and photographs as well as the occurrence of a riot. Having seen and heard the testimony of the school, he argued, the principal has to step on track.
      When reporters asked about the seizure? Agus said the headmaster had invited the reporters to get into the school. "The principal is not guilty of omission in the incident yesterday. What caused the riot victims arising from both sides," he said.
      According to Agus, in what happened yesterday can not just blame one party only. "But if the principal made a mistake, the agency can impose penalties. Office may dismiss," he said.
      Given these events, Agus hopes to become introspective material for the school SMAN 6 Jakarta. One of them becomes more established materials for learning and education to the students. But for issues that arise, such as action brawl, it becomes the responsibility of various parties, such as schools, parents and police.
       Meanwhile, Member of Commission E DPRD DKI Jakarta, Wanda Hamida, said the brawl was already a national problem. Can not be blamed on one party. Whether it's teachers, principals or parents. Including events at SMAN 6. "The problems that have become common problems. We must see the greater picture," he said.
        Related brawl between journalists and students, Wanda said the school will send the chronological events to Parliament and the Governor. "This issue could be brought to the commission to be discussed," he added.

Editors: cr01 

Reporter: Irfan fitrat


Source :  http://www.republika.co.id/berita/regional/jabodetabek/11/09/20/lrtoaf-jika-terbukti ada-pembiaran-kepsek-sman-6-bisa-diberhentikan


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