Coalition Education: Gender Sensitive Virginity Tests

Coalition Education: Gender Sensitive Virginity Tests not - 3 hours ago 

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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Education Coalition strongly criticized the Education Department policy Prabumulih, South Sumatra, which makes the virginity tests in one component of the assessment whether or not a student went to high school.

Education Coalition members Lodi Paat in Jakarta, Wednesday (08/21/2013) rate, the discourse of virginity tests be a major problem, especially because of the vagueness of the purpose and relevance of test female students, with education.

According to Lodi, the right to education is set clearly in section 28C (1) of the 1945 Constitution, as well as in article 12 of Law 39/1999 on Human Rights. Therefore, the right to education can not be reduced on any basis.

Moreover, this test is not according to the principles of education in the National Education System Law No. 20 of 20013, Article 4 paragraph (1), namely, education held in a democratic and fair and not discriminatory to uphold human rights, religious values, cultural values, and pluralistic nation. And Article 5 paragraph (5), ie, every citizen the right to have the opportunity to improve education throughout life.

"When the virginity tests be one of the parameters for selection on the appropriateness of a student continuing education equivalent to high school, it obviously has hurt the rights of citizens and human rights," he said.

Clearly, further Lodi, Disdik Prabumulih have memerlihatkan insensitivity and impartiality to equal education, especially for women.

Virginity testing is not a new discourse, because in 2010 in Jambi, virginity tests for prospective high school or equivalent is also under consideration.

In the same year, the National Commission expressly rejected the discourse. In addition to gender insensitive, virginity tests one form of abuse against women power over her. Violation of private space that should not be harassed by the public.

Education Coalition questioned the financing of which the above tests. If the funding comes from the state budget or the budget, it is necessary to open more transparent to the public, is it true that funds used for virginity testing entirely, or there are other interests behind the 'moral action' is?

If the discourse of virginity testing was done, Coalition Education will submit a budget request for the execution of test information.

This is based on Law No. 14 Year 2008 on KIP, where programs or activities funded by state and local budgets have to be opened to the public.

"Do not let the budget used to virginity tests actually cause wastage of education budget for activities that are not useful," said Lodi.

Coalition refuses virginity tests against female students, as an act of gender-insensitive and insulting the integrity / sovereignty of the female body.

"We strongly reject the application as a parameter virginity test the appropriateness of the prospective student went to high school education or equivalent. Virginity tests also reject the inclusion of the components of the education budget in any area, especially South Sumatra," he said. (*)



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