BNN It will not Loosen Performance

BNN It will not Loosen Performance Despite Reduced - 2 hours 57 minutes ago

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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The government's budget is disbursed to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) next year, much less than this year.

However, according to Police Commissioner General BNN chief Anang Iskandar, it can not serve as an excuse to reduce the performance.

"BNN budget of Rp 1 trillion next year to Rp 780 billion. However, it will not reduce the performance that has been done, it should increase performance," said Anang in 'Socialization Implementation Evaluation of Organizational Performance' in Jakarta, Wednesday (21 / 8/2013).

Anang said, he will always motivate employees BNN, both in Jakarta and in the region, to continue to work well.

Which has given the government budget will be utilized for the benefit of people and organizational development as much as possible, which returns the result to the community.

"We continue to provide inspiration to all employees, to be earnest and thoughtful, that the budget provided by the state are used for the benefit of the community and organizational development," he said.

Through the budget, said Anang, it will still hold a massive outreach to the community about the dangers of drug penyelahgunaan. In fact, the amount should be increased rather than counseling implementation this year.

"We have to maximize the budget with good performance. If duitnya little, their activities can be a lot," he said. TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The government's budget is disbursed to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) next year, much less than this year.

However, according to Police Commissioner General BNN chief Anang Iskandar, it can not serve as an excuse to reduce the performance.

"BNN budget of Rp 1 trillion next year to Rp 780 billion. However, it will not reduce the performance that has been done, it should increase performance," said Anang in 'Socialization Implementation Evaluation of Organizational Performance' in Jakarta, Wednesday (21 / 8/2013).

Anang said, he will always motivate employees BNN, both in Jakarta and in the region, to continue to work well.

Which has given the government budget will be utilized for the benefit of people and organizational development as much as possible, which returns the result to the community.

"We continue to provide inspiration to all employees, to be earnest and thoughtful, that the budget provided by the state are used for the benefit of the community and organizational development," he said.

Through the budget, said Anang, it will still hold a massive outreach to the community about the dangers of drug penyelahgunaan. In fact, the amount should be increased rather than counseling implementation this year.

"We have to maximize the budget with good performance. If duitnya little, their activities can be a lot," he said. (*)



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