Thus the Elected Ketum KONI, Tono Suratman Olympic Gold Promise Preserve Tradition Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:55 pm

Thus the Elected Ketum KONI, Tono Suratman Olympic Gold Promise Preserve Tradition
Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:55 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Tono Suratman elected as Chairman of the KONI period 2012-2015.Men who served also as Chairman of the Executive Unit (Satlak) Gold Indonesia Program (Prima) ispromised not to neglect the preparation of athletes to compete at London 2012 Olympics.

Tono said the next step is to organize the management. In addition, it also will follow up the national training camp for the Olympics 2012.

"Because, there are four branches of sport that is already qualified for weightlifting, badminton, swimming and archery. We will strive to maintain the tradition of gold medals, "he said when contacted by reporters.

Tono optimistic that Indonesia will perpetuate the tradition of the overall champion after winning gold at the SEA Games last XXVI. He considered that the results will also be a stepping stone to improve the level of sport's reputation in Asia Indonesia.

Tono was elected to replace Rita Subowo the National Sports Council (Musornas) held at the Hotel Lombok Raya, Mataram, Friday (2 / 12). Musornas was attended by representatives of 43 sports and 32 parent KONI Region.

Tono won a landslide victory in the election with 54 votes. Chairman of the Executive Board of the Fencing Association of Indonesia (IKASI) beat the Chairman of the Federation PB Sports Karate-do Indonesia, Hendardji Supandji, who won 20 votes and the Secretary General of the Sports Committee, Djati Walujo, with six votes.

Meanwhile, Rita Subowo Tono hoping to continue and extend the achievements that have been inscribed at this time. "Also, for the foreseeable future. Target the nearest of the Olympics. So, should be able to maintain the tradition of gold, "he said.

Editors: Didi Purwadi 

Reporter: Ratna Puspita


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