Ketum PSSI: Return ISL Club Saturday, December 3, 2011 7:35 pm

Ketum PSSI: Return ISL Club
Saturday, December 3, 2011 7:35 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - PSSI chairman, Djohar Arifin, still hoping the club participants IndonesiaSuper League (ISL) could join the party in Indonesia Prima League (IPL) built PSSI. Djohar clubs called ISLparticipants to return to the PSSI.

"We want a single container. Come, go back home. PSSI is our common home,''he said. ''We hope all of Indonesia united and opportunities that exist.''

A number of clubs opted to stay in the ISL and refused to join the IPL. Top of the conditions, PSSI will impose sanctions next week for the club participants ISL.

Vice Chairman of the Disciplinary Commission PSSI, Chess Saptono Agus, said it did not need to call the club who decided not to follow the official competition PSSI. Absence in the IPL matches and the inclusion of the name of the club in IPL has been able to be strong evidence for sanctions.

"Earlier, we had agreed not to call the club. Withdraw from the official competition alone may be subject to sanctions. We want this to be completed and The sanctions will be decided next week, "says Chess.

The penalty which can be given in accordance with the disciplinary code PSSI, namely disqualification dropped strata, revoked his right to enter the competition next year, return on revenue sharing that has been accepted, up to a minimum fine of IDR 250 million. "Unless there is doubt ballast, we will call the club," he said.

Editors: Didi Purwadi 
Reporter: Ratna Puspita

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