Four Officials Ethics Committee investigated PSSI
Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:35 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - PSSI Ethics Committee was investigating alleged violations of the code of ethics by four members of the Executive Committee (EXCO) PSSI. They are La Nyalla Mattalitti, TonyApriliani, Roberto Rouw and Dwi Erwin Budiman.

Ethics Committee promised to decide the results of its investigation next week. The four were allegedly violating the code of ethics PSSI after sent a letter to FIFA and AFC dated 14 October. Of the four, only Roberto who has met the call the Ethics Committee, chaired Todung Mulya Lubis. Three other members had other activities.

Todung said it will return to call on The three members of the executive committee on Tuesday (6 / 12) future. "If it does not come back, we'll do the third or final call," he said.

If it proves there are violations, then the Ethics Committee will provide sanctions in the form of warning, caution, suspension, and can also stop or payment of fines. "All compatible with the existing codes of ethics of the AD / ART PSSI. Penalties will be reduced in accordance with the levels of ethical violations committed," he said.
Redaktur: Didi Purwadi
Reporter: Ratna Puspita

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