Israel Media Review: Action Sondang Jasmin inciting revolution? - 1 hour 11 minutes ago

Israel Media Review: Action Sondang Jasmin inciting revolution? - 1 hour 11 minutes ago

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Death offender self-immolation, Sondang Hutagalung, Saturday (10/12/2011) gets a place on the foreign news media. One is the Israeli media,
In contrast to other foreign media, broadcast shaped writing reviews about the action reckless and Studies Students Association Advocacy for People and the Nation Marhaenist Indonesia (Hammurabi). In the first sentence of the review author directly connects Bung Karno University student's death was a revolution or a revolution Jasmin jasmine.
As is known Jasmin revolution sparked huge protests in Tunisia that led to the overthrow of the government of President Ben Ali's ruling 23 years. Similar action rolling in the other countries in the Middle East region known as the Arab Spring.
"Could an Indonesian student Ignite a second" Jasmine Revolution "after immolating Himself in front of the presidential palace in Jakarta?" written media.
The author of the article wrote that the Arab Spring impact on the fall of the regime that has ruled four decades in the Middle East and still rolling today. But in writing it, there is praise for democratization in Indonesia.
President Yudhoyono called democracy has been able to sprout despite being in a domestic environment the majority of the population are Muslims. SBY is hailed as the first president of Indonesia directly elected through democratic elections after decades of being led by a dictator. Yudhoyono called struggling amid declining popularity restore public trust and corruption in a number of levels of government. This occurs even though Indonesia was able to grow a strong economy.
As reported, the news of the death Sondang appeared in a number of foreign media site Sunday (12/11/2011). In the U.S. news media, among other Sondang death appeared in the Washington Post website, to NBC news networks (nbcphiladelphia, nbcnewyork,
While in the Middle East, some media reported the story also did not escape death, among others Sondang, until a site from Israel.


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