Madrasah collapsed Swallow Death Toll Sunday, December 4, 2011 9:20 pm

Madrasah collapsed Swallow Death Toll
Sunday, December 4, 2011 9:20 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Pamekasan - Brukk .. Diniyah madrasa building collapsed after strong winds hit the region Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, on Saturday. The incident that claimed the madrasa collapsed as many as 15 students has wounded.

"These numbers are based on final data collection conducted our members in the field until Saturday (4 / 12) night," said Kapolsek Tlanakan, Bambang Soegiharto PPA.

From as many as 15 students who were injured, seven of whom had a broken bone. Seventh had to be treated at the Regional Hospital (RSD) Pamekasan. Seven other students suffered only minor injuries and only undergo outpatient treatment.

"Meanwhile, one student was killed at the scene," Bambang said on the sidelines of the security Soegiharto lantern parade in Monument Arek Lancor Pamekasan.

Vice Regent Pamekasan, Kadarisman Sastrodiwiryo, has turned direct the students who become victims of calamities such madrasa collapsed. Students who have died because of falling debris madrassa was named Ariel. Son of Abdul Halim spouses and villagers Mahfudah Slampar Prohibition.

Diniyah madrasa building that collapsed was located in the hamlet Gergunung, Prohibition Slampar Village, District Tlanakan, Pamekasan. Madrasah collapsed on Saturday around 13:00 pm. Building institutions of Islamic education was hit by high winds collapsed because of heavy rain that swept along the Pamekasan.

Editors: Didi Purwadi
Sources: Reuters

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