Will Nasdem ragged Golkar, Democrats, and Hanura

Will Nasdem ragged Golkar, Democrats, and Hanura
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 12:50 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Secretary General of the United Development Party (PPP), Romahurmuziy or Romi, said the National Democratic Party is expected to undermine the voice of the Golkar Party, Democratic Party and Hanura.

"The danger is a Democrat and Golkar and Hanura because of the character of the electorate that is similar to Nasdem Party," said Romi in Jakarta, Wednesday (9 / 11).

Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IV, adding, PDIP and Gerindra Party will be affected by Nasdem Party but not as badly as the middle party. He also mentions, the party that religion was ideoliged be impacted by the emergence of the Party Nasdem

"But it Gerindra and PDIP over to the left," said Romi. For the PPP itself, says Romi, joining MNC Group boss, Hary Tanoesoedibjo as Chairman of the Board of Experts Nasdem Party did not become a threat to the PPP.

"No problem. PPPs do not feel any disturbance or threat, absolutely not," said Romi. She said the PPP has a loyal voters or ideological voters who can not change even though the Party has medium Nasdem to do or mobilize voters.

He believes, a political party does not only depend on a strong financial capital, but there are others who do not possess the capital of other parties, ie social capital and networks.

"We believe though that may be the financial capital with the merger of two tycoons are quite large, but there are two other capital are there we feel superior, namely social capital and networks. Social capital related to the age of PPP that has been known for a long time, and widely known. network capital, of the structure of the PPP party better prepared, "said Romi. (zul)

Editors: Stevy Maradona
Sources: Reuters



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