Muslim Singaporeans wonder Assisted Nuns Sacrifice of Worship

Bahasa Indonesia
Muslim Singaporeans wonder Assisted Nuns Sacrifice of Worship
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 12:53 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN - Singapore's Muslim Representatives, who gives a goat sacrifice to the citizens of the slopes of Merapi, was surprised when Christians come to help the sacrificial procession. Zaenal Muttaqin, Singapore Muslim representatives who came to monitor, said was surprised to see it.

"I was surprised too, but that's okay. Itukan IKPM and cottage are set," he said when met Reuters on the sidelines of slaughter goats.

Zaenal surprised because sacrifice is worship for Muslims. But, why the implementation of the worship of other faiths were assisted.

Although time wonder, Zaenal finally understand the nuns who helped cut the meat and wrap it. Perhaps, said Zaenal, boarding school or IKPM (Institute of Modern Family Cottage) was used to assist each other in this kind of work.

Singapore Muslims sacrifice animals contribute as much as 200 goats are slaughtered in the region of Al Qodir Ponpes on Tuesday (8 / 11) ago. The results will be given to the slaughter of citizens closest to the slopes of Merapi. Ie citizens Cangkringan Subdistrict, Turi, and Pakem.

Chairman of the Institute of Modern Family Cottage Gontor (IKPM), Imam Muharrom, said the target of the division of 6000 packs.

Editors: Didi Purwadi
Reporter: Agus Raharjo



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