
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi China melambat menjadi 8,9% pada kuartal keempat.

17 Jan 2012 Terakhir diperbarui pada 06:45 GMT   Pertumbuhan Ekonomi China melambat menjadi 8,9% pada kuartal keempat   China mata uang cadangan penurunan Pertumbuhan ekonomi China melambat Ekonomi China, di dunia terbesar kedua, tumbuh dengan kecepatan yang paling lambat dalam lebih dari dua tahun, data pemerintah terbaru menunjukkan. Produk domestik bruto meningkat sebesar 8,9% dalam tiga bulan sampai akhir Desember, dari tahun sebelumnya. Yang turun dari 9,1% pada kuartal sebelumnya. Data Biro Statistik menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan untuk setahun penuh adalah 9,2%, turun dari 10,3% pada tahun 2010. Analis mengatakan mereka memperkirakan ekonomi untuk memperlambat lebih lanjut tahun ini. "Melihat sisa tahun 2012, Anda akan melihat perlambatan lebih tajam pada kuartal pertama karena efek pengetatan moneter," kata Arjuna Mahendran, kepala strategi di Asia di Bank HSBC Swasta. "Ini akan mengambil tahun ini." Pertumbuhan keprihatinan Cina sebelumnya tel

Obat Malaria Palsu Bisa Menempatkan Resiko Malaria.

3117 Januari 2012 terakhir diperbarui pada 01:43 GMT Obat malaria palsu bisa 'menempatkan jutaan beresiko' Malaria disebarkan oleh nyamuk parasit diperkenalkan ke dalam aliran darah oleh gigitan nyamuk Malaria angka kematian global jatuh Rute keberhasilan malaria ditemukan Palsu dan miskin kualitas obat anti malaria yang mengancam upaya untuk mengendalikan penyakit di Afrika dan bisa menempatkan jutaan hidup pada risiko, para ilmuwan mengatakan. Obat-obatan palsu dapat merugikan pasien dan meningkatkan resistensi obat di antara parasit malaria, memperingatkan studi, yang didanai oleh Wellcome Trust. Malaria diyakini membunuh sekitar 800.000 orang per tahun. Beberapa tablet palsu dikatakan berasal di Cina. Para peneliti, dari Trust-Mahosot Wellcome Rumah Sakit Kedokteran Universitas Oxford Kolaborasi Riset Tropis, menerbitkan karya mereka dalam Journal Malaria. Mereka memeriksa palsu dan kurang lancar obat anti malaria yang ditemukan dijual di 11 negara Afrika a

The Demand Of Liberation Al-Quds

Demanded the Liberation of Al - Quds , 4,000 Muslims Degree Long March Thursday, January 12, 2012 20:49 pm     REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA - The Muslim Jama'ah ( Hezbollah ) will deploy approximately 4,000 Muslims held a long march to the relay as far as 219 km from Sumedang -Bandung - Monument toward United Nation's building in Jakarta. According to one committee , Ustaz Deni Akbar , long march to be conducted on Thursday- Sunday ( 12-15/1 ) was intended to evoke the Holy Jihad ( fighting spirit ) Muslims to be more loving and have a shared off responsibility . "Specifically , in an effort to demand the release of Al - Aqsa Masjidi from the clutches of Zionist Israel in Palestine , " said Ustaz Deni told Reuters on Thursday ( 12 / 1 ) . The plan, the relay 's parade will begin from the Islamic Boarding School al - Fatah Tanjungsari , Sumedang , West Java , around 20.00 pm and opened the

The LCD Screen Television Will Be Held

LG 55 inch of OLED TV , LCD screen television with the world's largest will be display on CES,Las Vegas , January 2012 . - LG has announced that the company has developed a screen televisions with OLED ( Organic Light Emitting Diodes ) in the world, namely 55 inches . This product will be on public display at the Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ) in Las Vegas , which will be held from 10 to 13 January 2012 . "OLED technology is seen as the future of television screens , which display technology was limited to a smaller and the higher treatment costs . LG Display 55 -inch OLED TV panel was could to overcome these problems , " said Dr . Sang Beom Han , CEO and Executive Vice President of LG Display . OLED , which controls the media pixels , was resurrection of an LCD panel that uses liquid crystals . This technology enables the light emitting diode itself and has the abil

The Danger of Terrorism Post-Osama

International Year End Report Danger of Terrorism Post-Osama Wednesday, December 28, 2011 | 14:26 pm The White House President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, along with other staff of the Safety, while watching on a television screen in the White House's mission to ambush the hideout of Osama bin Laden. Through a video camera on the helmet of a member of the special forces Navy Seals, Obama can see that globalization terrorist network leader shot dead in his left eye. - the most wanted terrorist leader, Osama bin Laden, was killed in a U.S. military operation in the city of Abbottabad, Pakistan, early May 2011, but by no means weakened the terrorist threat. Many experts say the terrorist network was preparing a new strategy that is still a dangerous threat to the world, not least in Indonesia. Acts of terror or terrorism is not new. Coordinated attacks aimed at generating a feeling of terror, the atmosphere of panic, of communi

Warmly Serve Son Kim

North Korea's "Warm Serve" Son Kim M. Latif | Latif | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 | 14:14 pm The bodies of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was buried in the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang on Tuesday (20/12/2011). Pyongyang, - North Korea seems to be fairly cautious showing the funeral procession of former leader Kim Jong-il on Wednesday (12/28/2011). From the looks of this procession, the country is being "warmly serve" Kim's youngest son, who will resume the reins of power as the third generation "dynasty" Kim. Footage of a television North Korea (North Korea) featuring children Kim is the youngest and successor, Kim Jong-un, walking alongside the vehicle body of their father, who walked slowly in the cold and snow that soaks Pyongyang. Dressed in a black overcoat, he bowed his head to avoid the fall of snow. As reported previously, we can be sure that the transition of power in North Korea goes back for generations.

Violence against Journalists Rises

Note at End of Year In 2011, Violence against Journalists Rises Fabian Januarius Kuwado | Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary | Wednesday, December 28, 2011 | 12:50 pm JAKARTA, - Data owned by Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Press showed, throughout 2011, violence against journalists increased if compared with the year 2010. This year, cases of violence against journalists recorded 96 cases, while in 2010 there were 69 cases. Criminal charges also increased along with violence against the press workers. It is said Hendrayana, Executive Director of LBH Pers, in his office, East Fourth Street Kalibata, Jewel, South Jakarta, Wednesday (12/28/2011). There are certain parties are attempting to muzzle press freedom by means of criminalization. In fact, until there is an attempt to bankrupt the media with claims for compensation that is not proportional. "There are certain parties are attempting to muzzle press freedom by means of criminalization. In fact, until there is an attempt to ba