The Demand Of Liberation Al-Quds

Demanded the Liberation of Al-Quds, 4,000 Muslims Degree Long March
Thursday, January 12, 2012 20:49 pm


 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Muslim Jama'ah (Hezbollah) will deploy approximately 4,000 Muslims held a long march to the relay as far as 219 km from Sumedang-Bandung-Monument toward United Nation's building in Jakarta.

According to one committee, Ustaz Deni Akbar, long march to be conducted on Thursday-Sunday (12-15/1) was intended to evoke the Holy Jihad (fighting spirit) Muslims to be more loving and have a shared off responsibility.

"Specifically, in an effort to demand the release of Al-Aqsa Masjidi from the clutches of Zionist Israel in Palestine," said Ustaz Deni told Reuters on Thursday (12 / 1).

The plan, the relay's parade will begin from the Islamic Boarding School al-Fatah Tanjungsari, Sumedang, West Java, around 20.00 pm and opened the Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Fariz Mehdawi. While finishing in the front of UN representative office and the National Monument in Jakarta.

Long march for three days and three nights, it is expected to broadcast a strong morals message to the world that the issue of defamation of the Al-Aqsa and the occupation of Palestinians by Israeli Zionism, but just not the responsibility of the Palestinians, nothing but all Muslims.

Editors: Heri Ruslan
Reporter: Agus Yulianto


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