Indonesia Rp 221 Trillion Loss Due to Forest

Indonesia Rp 221 Trillion Loss Due to Forest Fires in 2015
Rep: Sonia Fitri / Red: Nidia ZurayaHenky Mohari / Antara
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - World Bank analysis and calculation of the estimated loss of land and forest fires Indonesia in 2015. As is known, Indonesia experienced a catastrophic forest fires and land (karhutla) simultaneously in eight provinces, resulting in multi-sector losses.
"The loss for the people of Indonesia is estimated at about 16.1 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 221 trillion," said World Bank Lead Environment Specialist Ann Jeanette Glauber in a Media Round Table, "Losses Due to Fires", in Jakarta, Thursday (25/2 ).
He elaborates, the loss is more than double the cost of reconstruction and improvement of the tsunami in Aceh. The estimate includes losses in agriculture, forestry, trade, tourism and transport.
The calculation of losses made since 1 June to 31 October 2015 the eight provinces of Jambi, Riau, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and Papua.
The calculation is expected to be even greater when incorporating elements of education where children stunted learning and schools need to pay more for extra lessons pascakebakaran and haze.
The loss rate is also not yet incorporate the financial losses experienced by the global as well as regional and generations in the future. "We know that smoke from a fire also hit the neighboring countries, such as Singapore," he said. So did the generations to come must swallow the losses due to the destruction of peatlands and environmental governance.
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