
Showing posts from November, 2014

Agree Islah, This and NMC KIH

Agree Islah , This and NMC KIH Main Results Monday , November 10, 2014, 13:14 pm Comments : 1 Reuters / General Supriyanto Pramod Anung Pramod Anung A + | Default | A- REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA - The ongoing conflict in the House one step away from coming to an end . Coalition Red White ( KMP ) and the Indonesian Coalition Terrific ( KIH ) have agreed to end a feud with some of the agreements reached . PDI-P senior politician Pramono Agung said , both parties understand that the principal or the base of the problems that occur are related to the representation council leader in fittings ( AKD ) . Thus , both KIH or KMP , both will receive rations to be leaders in any existing AKD . In the agreement there is no additional commission. The amount of commission remain as they are the 11 commission . " There was only the addition of fittings council leader , deputy to four, " he said...

Jokowi gevraagd te vertrekken Jargon "Duizend-Friend Enemy Zero"

Jokowi gevraagd te vertrekken Jargon " Duizend- Friend Enemy Zero " SBY Era Maandag 10 november, 2014 | 12:31   AP PHOTO / ANDY WONG Afgevaardigden behulp van een smartphone , scramble Selfie met president Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) , na het leveren van een toespraak op de APEC CEO Summit event in het China National Convention Center in Beijing , 10 november 2014 . gerelateerd aan      Jokowi gevraagd te vertrekken Jargon " Duizend- Friend Enemy Zero " SBY Era      Overweeg Parlement Formulieren Maritime Commission      Tjahjo Kumolo Claims Diligent Wealth Report aan de Commissie      JK : Elke poging Economische Ook Aanbid 18 JAKARTA , - hoogleraar internationaal recht aan de Universiteit van Indonesië Hikmahanto Heilbron adviseerde president Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) laat de interpretatie van " Duizend- Friend Enemy Zer...

Ekspansi Haram : Gerbang Abdulaziz

Ekspansi Haram :   Gerbang Abdulaziz ditutup Belum Pernah Terjadi Sebelumnya PEMBANGUNAN : Gerbang King Abdulaziz dibarikade di Masjidil Haram . ( Foto AN oleh Zia Akbar ) JEDDAH : IRFAN MOHAMMED Published - Senin 10 November 2014 Update terakhir 10 November 2014 12:53 | نسخة PDF Kirim ke Teman Cetak Berita | A A CERITA TERBARU DI FEATURED      Ekspansi Haram   : Gerbang Abdulaziz   ditutup      Orang bersenjata bertopeng luka dua di EP      Negara Islam ' khalifah ' tewas dalam serangan udara ?      5 insinyur nuklir dibunuh di dekat Damaskus      Tahanan terpidana mati diizinkan untuk melakukan haji ... sebagai keinginan terakhir lebih Gerbang The King Abdulaziz   atau Bab Malik Abdulaziz , salah satu gerbang utama menuju ke Masjidil Haram di Makkah telah ditutup sebagai bagian dari proyek perl...