Abject Jokowi President, Vice Tailor Sate Police Arrested

Abject Jokowi President, Vice Tailor Sate Police Arrested
Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 20:34 pm

Comments: 44
Joko Widodo (right) and Jusuf Kalla.
Joko Widodo (right) and Jusuf Kalla.
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Vice handyman satay initials MA Criminal Investigation Police investigator arrested for allegedly insulting the president Jokowi through your facebook account.

"It's been arrested on Thursday last week," said Supreme Court lawyer, Fahmi Irfan, when contacted on Tuesday (28/10).
"He allegedly insulting the president Jokowi," said Fahmi.

He has not had time to read the complete investigation report against his client, however, the current status of the client has been a suspect since the day after the Supreme Court arrested.

Article is charged pornography law, defamation, and UU ITE. Related to bondage pornography laws, allegedly MA installing the reporting party photo editing combined with pornographic images.

"During the last election a lot of photos - photos scattered edits. But I'll check again, "he added.

Men from Ciracas, East Jakarta male sex. He was about 24 years. He just graduated from junior high school and worked as a handyman helper skewers.

"I saw his thumb injury because its frequency skewers stabbed," said Fahmi.

TAGS #menghina president #menghina Jokowi

Problem Article Insult President, PPP: That Article Rubber!
Contrast: Article Insult President Article Criminalization
Problem Article Insult President, MCC: Democracy Can Die

If someone mengafirkan friend, the utterance (which mengafirkan) it's really back to one of the two (which is said or suggested). (Muslim)

Sources : http://nasional.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/14/10/28/ne5ppr-hina-presiden-jokowi-pembantu-tukang-sate-ditangkap-polisi


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