Subhanallah, This is the Secret of Creation Cats

Subhanallah, This is the Secret of Creation Cats

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, cat's eyes is one proof of the perfection of God in creation. Allah has created the cat's eye with the arrangement and layout in accordance with the creatures. In one verse, Allah says about the perfection of his creation.
He is the God who creates, who held, that form a way, he has a name - a beautiful name, what is in the heavens and the earth glorify - his. And He is the All mighty, All-wise. (Surah Al - Hashr 24)Cats are very powerful night visionCats can easily distinguish the colors green, blue and red. However, the real advantages of a cat's eye is to see at night. Cat's eyelids open in the evenings, when exposed to a little light, a layer of the eye called the iris makes the pupils dilate (nearly 90% of eyes) so they are easier to see the light. At the light gets brighter, the system works as opposed to protecting the retina, the pupil to shrink and turn into a thin line.There is a layer that is absent in the human eye. This layer behind the retina, the light serves as a receiver. When light falls on the layer is directly reflected back, the light passing twice through the retina. Therefore, cats can easily see when the light just a little. Even in the dark, when the human eye can not see. This layer also was the cause why the cat's eyes shine at night.This layer is called the tapetum lucidum which crystals can reflect light. Thanks to this kistal, the light falling on the back of the eye in reflected back to the retina. Some of the reflected light back into the lens, so eyes shining. Thanks to this structure, the amount of light received increases so that the eye can see in the dark. Hence, the bias cats see better in the dark. This is not a form of bio-luminescence, because the animals did not produce cahanya, but rather the result of reflection.Another reason why cats can see in the dark as well as the existence of stem cells in bandingkang more cone cells in their retinas. As we know, cells - stem cells is only sensitive to light. They form the image of a black or white depending on the light coming from the object, but they are very sensitive to even a little light.Thanks to stem cells, the cat can easily hunt at night. As we see, God created the structure of the eye in accordance with the conditions and nutrients they need. Cat's eye has a different structure and characteristics to fit their needs. This is one example of God's creation. Unique creation of God is evident in one verse:Creator of heaven and earth, when He wanted to create something, He just said "be", then so be it. (Surah Al - Baqara 117)Cat's eye is greaterBesides the ability to see at night, the cat eye balls are also larger compared to that of humans. If the field of human vision is only up to 160 degrees, a cat can be easily up to 187 degrees. With these characteristics, they can easily see the current threat. This is another example of the results karakteistik God's creation with a different form. As in katakana in the Al - Qur'an, kaakteristik this is a lesson for people - those who believe;And really, in cattle there is a lesson for you ... (Surah An - Nahl 66)Cat's eye structure is different from humanIn the eyes of a cat, there is a third membrane called the "nictitating membrane". The membrane is transparent, and move from one section to the other eye. For example, a cat can wink at them without having to close them all. The third membrane allows the cat's eyes are protected when hunting. In addition, objects - objects such as dust on their eyes, their eyes clean and moist; so the cat does not need frequent winking like a human. If cats blink their eyes all the time like a man to keep his eyes clean and moist, this will create difficulties for them in while hunting. Not a wink is one of the perfection of God's creation for these creatures.Does a cat's eyes are sensitive to movementCats can not see well at close range as well as humans and can not focus on objects close to them. But Allah has created the sensory hair with a strong sensory mechanism for the cat. Thanks to the olfactory and sensory hair, the cat can be easily detected in close proximity. Although it is difficult to see these beautiful creatures at close range, they can easily feel the distance of two to six feet. This distance is enough for a cat to hunt.Other characteristics in their cat's eye is sensitive to movement, beauty, and in accordance with their distance vision. Cat's eye and the brain separates the movements frame by frame. Cat brain can feel a lot more pictures than we are. For example, they can easily see the sign - a sign of electronics on the television screen in comparison humans. This is a special talent that is given by Allah the Almighty to all cats. This is because cats catch their prey by moving objects.Amazing detail and variety in God's created for catsCat's eye in kaakteristik created with such amazing creatures. When the structure and characteristics of the eye in an individual test, it will look different functions and this is evidence of the diversity of God's creation. This variation can not say as a result of mutation or natural selection. God has given eyes to suit the needs of living creatures and nutrition.Have knowledge about this amazing system is an opportunity for everyone to see the power and knowledge that has been created creatures. We have to thank God who has created this universe. As for people - people who reject verse - His, God called him "a liar", as in verse;Who is a greater wrong than the people - people who have been warned by verse - verses of his Lord, then he turned away and forget what has been done by his hands? (Surah Al - Kahf 57)Created in the form of a cat in an ideal fit with their environment, they need to breathe, eat, hunt and defend themselves in order to stay alive. Therefore, they must know their world, and distinguish between enemies and their prey. As such, they require a special vision to see their environment.However, God Almighty, Lord of all the world, has given an admirable characteristics such as eyes that have a special structure, shape and sharpness of vision for the cat. Creation of the eye that has specificity for a cat is a lesson for people - people who believe as mentioned in the Qur'an - Qur'an;And there is a lesson there for you ... (Surah Al - Mu'miniin 21)Characteristic function corresponding to the cat's eye is set by the law of God. God created this eye and every detail with no examples at all. This was revealed in a verse - verse that God is the creator of the Essence of everything;God created every animal from water, then there are some who go on their bellies and some walk on two legs, while some walked on four legs. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah has power over all things. (Surah An - Nuur 45)

Quoted from

 Editors: Ruslan Heri


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