Steady, Iran Ready to Launch New Satellite Custom

Steady, Iran Ready to Launch New Satellite Custom
Friday, March 2, 2012 6:30 pm
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Iran will launch a satellite product son of the nation "Dawn" into orbit in the near future. Head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA), Hamid Fazeli, said the launch marked a remarkable breakthrough in the field of space technology.

Dawn satellite, which is currently undergoing the final phase, will be launched into space on March 20.

Hamid Fazeli said the satellite weighed 60 kilograms are powered by solar cells, it would circle the Earth at an altitude of about 400 kilometers and will stay in orbit for one and a half years. "The satellite will be used to facilitate the collection of data relating to agriculture, natural resources and conservation of forests, natural disasters and other data," said the head of the ISA.

Navid satellite or the Gospel is designed to gather data about weather conditions and monitor natural disasters. The satellite weighs about 110 pounds (50 kilograms) and will orbit the Earth at an altitude of up to 234 miles (375 kilometers), circled the planet 15 times a day. These satellites of the type known as a miniature or microsatellites, the production and launch costs are much cheaper.

Iran launched its first satellite in the domestic product, Omid (Hope), into orbit in 2009. Omid satellite data processing was designed to orbit the Earth 15 times every 24 hours and transmit data via two frequency bands and eight antennas for space station Iran.

Iran is one of 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Space, which was founded in 1959.

Endah Hapsari


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