There Ondel-ondel Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin

There Ondel-ondel Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin
Riana Afifah | Pepih Nugraha | Saturday, February 11th, 2012 | 13:39 pm

20120211C10-11-ondel Ondel named Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin Monas berjoged in IRTI parking, Saturday (02/11/2012) currently ahead of the delivery of support to the Jakarta Provincial Election Commission.

 JAKARTA, - Two-ondel ondel named Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin did not stop dancing while welcoming the arrival of a pair of candidates from these individual lines. Accompanied by the music of Betawi, two-ondel ondel not stop dancing and people did not stop chanting the name of Faisal Basri and Biem Benjamin.

"Life Faisal Basri! Life Biem Benjamin!" people shouted as Faisal Basri and arrived at the parking Biem IRTI Monas, Jakarta, Saturday (11/02/2012).

Two-ondel ondel it also continues to accompany the step-Faisal Basri Biem Benjamin to the National Library to submit a support beam resident identification card which has been separated according to the village. "We are grateful to the people who have supported it. Once again thank you," said Faisal Basri as short speeches.

Ondel-ondel and Betawi music is a symbol that the couple of lines of this individual is a citizen of Jakarta which will still maintain the original culture and build a better Jakarta. Of 540 000 of support collected, only 430 000 of support collected by the candidate-Faisal Basri Biem Benjamin. Considering the amount of 430 000 alone, the amount of support was qualified to be verified by the Election Commission of Jakarta Province. 



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