Budget allocates Rp27, 4 trillion for Aceh

Banda Aceh (ANTARA) - Allocation of funds sourced from the Development Budget and Expenditure (Budget) for the Province of Aceh reached Rp27, 4 trillion in 2012.

Antara - 1 hour 21 minutes ago

"Of the total 2012 state budget funds are disbursed to Aceh was composed of Implementation Budget Form (DIPA) Rp8, transfer 2 trillion and Rp19, 1 trillion," said Aceh Governor Yusuf in Banda Aceh on Friday.

Meanwhile, he also estimates the 2012 APBA funds ranged Rp9 trillion and will ensure no delay in the ratification by the local DPRA.
DIPA 2012 for Aceh document was received 41 departments and agencies Government agencies. While the transfer of funds to 23 districts and cities symbolically accepted the Vice Regent of Pidie Nazir Adam, Regent of Pidie Jaya M Gade Salam and Aceh Besar District Bukhari Daud.
"I hope DIPA and the transfer of funds be utilized to the maximum extent possible improve the quality of spending by ensuring that the budget was actually utilized for programs that have added value to the community," he explains.
Governor asked the district and city agencies as well as its region and body work harder so that in the implementation of the 2012 budget can be a maximum in the absorption.
"Amanah On Our Shoulder doesn't lightly. All require thinking and breakthroughs as well as the efforts of creative and innovative with due regard to the principles of good governance," the governor explained.
Governor asked the regents and mayors in Aceh to continue to create a conducive investment climate and eliminate things that could potentially inhibit potential investment areas.
"Give high priorities to the availability and quality of facilities and infrastructure that support the investment climate and economic activities in their respective areas," he added.
He called for immediately implementing the action plan and ensure its implementation can be started as soon as possible. Because the economic effects on local government spending is expected to drive the economy in this province stretching from the beginning of the fiscal year.

Sources: http://id.berita.yahoo.com/apbn-alokasikan-rp27-4-triliun-untuk-aceh-074610504.html


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