Take the 2012 Papua Special Autonomy Fund

Take the 2012 Papua Special Autonomy Fund
Sandro Gatra | Laksono Day W | Friday, October 28, 2011 | 13:33 pm
Read: 874
Comments: 7

COMPASS / P. YASA Mahendra RADITYA Illustration: Dozens of Papuan activists in Jakarta,Wednesday (10/26/2011), rallied demanding peace on Earth Paradise.


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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The government and House of Representatives (DPR) agreed to allocate funds or Autonomy special autonomy for Papua Province amounted to Rp 3.83 trillion and West Papua of Rp 1.64 trillion in 2012. It was stated in the Act of State Revenues and Expenditures Budget (Budget) in 2012 which was passed in the House of Representatives plenary meeting on Friday (10/28/2011).

Papua Special Autonomy Fund in 2012 it rose about 23 percent compared to the year 2011. This year, the government budgeted funds amounting to Rp 3.10 trillion to Rp 1.33 trillion in Papua and West Papua for.

In addition to the special autonomy fund, the government will also allocate additional funds for infrastructure amounting to Rp 571 Papua, West Papua's 4 billion and as much as Rp 428, 6 billion.

Before the budget was passed, Gwijangge Diaz, member of Parliament from Papua had to interrupt. He requested that the House Special Committee formed to resolve issues around PT Freeport and Papua as a whole.

In addition, Diaz also requested that the settlement issue was heating up in Papua, not through a military approach. "But by pulling back (TNI) and hold a dialogue to solve Papua," said Democratic Party politician.

Source : http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2011/10/28/13333787/Dana.Otsus.Papua.2012.Naik


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