Held insists IPL, La Nyala Threatens Report to FIFA Saturday, October 15, 2011 0:09 pm UTC + 7

Held insists IPL, La Nyala Threatens Report to FIFA
Saturday, October 15, 2011 0:09 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Member of the Executive Committee of PSSI, La Nyala Mataliti threatened to report its institutions, PSSI, if still held the league on 15 October. He considers the league formed Nyala League Pirma PT Indonesia Sportindo legally flawed because it violates a number of league rules.

"If you keep forcing the league, followed by a team ytang invalid, then I will make a report to FIFA," he said, in Jakarta, Friday (14/10).

He also thinks Indonesia Premier League is like the league because it followed an illegal unauthorized competing teams, namely Persema Malang and Persibo. Therefore, he did not want competition held what he called illegitimate imposed. "The league is legitimate is managed by PT Indonesia League of 18 teams," he said.

In the same kesermpatan, CEO of PT Liga Indonsia, Joko Driyono said it had scheduled the passing of the Super League 2011/2012 season beginning December 1. "We have an agenda in advance of verification, meneger meetings, and workshops," said Djoko.

He also claimed the league plans have been mature and just need the approval of PSSI. He admitted that he was reluctant to interfere PSSI current internal polemics. "We will Conduct our duties in a professional manner," he said.

Editors: Djibril Muhammad IP
Reporter: Sammy Abdullah



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