Inspired Rhonda Refaat A Song

Inspired Rhonda Refaat A Song Wednesday, January 29, 2014 , 20:45 pm Comments : 0 Two Shahadah ( illustration ) . Two Shahadah ( illustration ) . A + | Reset | A - REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By ; Rosida Budi Suryaningsih Husband never forced her to convert to Islam immediately . Many people regard the inclusion of Rhonda Refaat be part of a Muslim because her husband forced . In fact , long before she met her husband , Rhonda already interested in Islam . He was a lot of struggling with the virtual world . Islam curiosity led him to a chat room on Yahoo that contains the Muslims . " I want to know about this religion and want to learn more about it , " he said , as quoted by ifoundislam , some time ago . Not just only from the virtual world alone . He also read a lot of books in the library and buy books that can explain Islam very well . He was born and raised as a Christian . He also diligently go to church and read the Bible . Actually , there ...